Sales Growth Made Simple

Done-for-you DM sales framework for personally connecting with your followers to boost sales & engagement organically.

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What are the benefits of closing through DMs?


DMs offer a convenient and non-intrusive way to communicate with your IG followers. They can read and respond to messages at their own pace, making it more convenient for both parties involved.

Immediate Delivery

DMs are delivered instantly. This immediacy can be advantageous when time-sensitive deals or offers are involved.

Higher Open & Response Rates

Closing through DMs offers the benefit of higher open and response rates compared to traditional communication methods.

Easy Reference

DMs provide a written record of the conversation, allowing both the salesperson and the prospect to refer back to specific details, offers, or agreements discussed. This reduces miscommunication and provides clarity during the sales process.


Compared to cold calls or in-person meetings, texting is generally a more cost-effective communication method. It requires minimal resources, such as a mobile device and an internet connection, making it an affordable option for businesses of all sizes.

Increased Reach

DMs have a wide reach, as nearly everyone has access to a mobile phone. This allows you to connect with a larger audience and reach prospects who may be difficult to reach through other means.

What Do We Do?

We believe that DM sales holds immense potential for transforming the way businesses connect with their clients and audience. We personally want to make sure that, together, we’ll propel your business towards greater sales success!

Closing through DMs vs Closing through booked appointments:

Closing through DMs

Closing through booked appointments

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, click here to book a quick call this week:

Why Many People Prefer DMs over Calls

Time Efficiency

DMs allow for quick and concise communication. People can send and receive messages rapidly, without engaging in lengthy conversations or dealing with potential small talk. It's a time-efficient way to convey information and get things done.

Non-Intrusive Communication

DMs provide a non-intrusive form of communication. It respects personal boundaries and allows individuals to manage their time and attention. They can respond to messages when they have the bandwidth to do so, without feeling pressured or interrupted.

Privacy and Control

Some individuals prefer messaging as it allows them to have more control over their communication. They can craft their responses thoughtfully and maintain a certain level of privacy, especially when dealing with sensitive or personal matters.

Reduced Pressure

Phone calls can sometimes feel more intimidating or high-pressure compared to messaging. DMs allow individuals to think through their responses, revise if necessary, and communicate in a way that feels more comfortable and less stressful.

Multitasking Capability

Messaging enables individuals to multitask effectively. They can engage in other activities while responding to messages, making it easier to manage their time and productivity.

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